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"When Juvenile Fall..." Social Justice Ethnic Study  Student  Workbook  2 is approx. 150 pages and mostly written in poetry (the language of today's youth). It is easy to read and to follow.  Book 2 focuses on Ethnic Study (historical and systemic oppression) . It is reality based and deals with mature themes (stereotypes, gender identity, racism, politics, oppression (current and historical) etc.).  It incorporates videos, art, service learning opportunities, individual and group activities throughout. It is easy to read and to follow. This "Social Justice/Urban Etnic Study Curriculum"  is for BOYS and GIRLS. And validates students' lived experience and address socio-emotional development. It is inclusive regardless of race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, citizenship in order to learn different perspectives. The focus is primarily on the lived experiences of African Americans, Chicanas/os, and lationas/os (Latinx), Native Americans, Asians (and other racialized peoples in the United States). Ethnic study focuses on the themes of social justice, social responsibility, and social change. It comes with TE,  student workbbook 1 and student journal at additional price. Contact for details. 


The curriculum is aligned with the Ethnic Study themes of equality, justice, race, ethnicity, indiegneity, civic engagement and civic responsibilty, self and collective responsibilty. Promotes critical thinking and analysis of history, systems of oppression, in an effort to generate discussions and imagine new possibilities. Another important element of this curriculum is that it is based on the research of famous Behaviorist, Lawrence Kohlberg, Harvard Professor on character development and critical thinking. Suggested for grades 7 - 12.

Social Justice Ethnic Study Student Book 2 (150 pgs)

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    • The only research based culturally relevant and Social Justice Ethnic Study curriculum that is aligned to professional state and teaching standards
    • The only research based Rites of Passage and Character Development Curriculum aligned to professional state and teaching standards
    • The only truly authentic Urban Curriculum with a ten year proven track record of success
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